Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Finished objects of affection

Both versions of Heartstrings Triangles Within Triangles are complete!

The Supersock Merino version needed to be tinked back as I ran out of yarn half way into the edging (blech - I dislike tinking a great deal!) . I weighed what was left of the Suri Lace at the end of my 8th repeat and bravely decided there would be enough left to do another repeat and the edging. As luck would have it, there was and I have about a thumbnail size ball of Suri left. A bit nerve wracking towards the end but I am very happy that it made it.

I will post pictures once they are blocked.

Both are large enough (using just 1 skein) to wear as small neck scarves although they may grow once I get them wetted and pinned out.

What to do next? Should finish up a few UFOs before starting anything more but I am itching to get started on the Japanese aran (either the creamy one with the gorgeous leaves or the red one that has a real Alice Starmore feel to it)


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