Wednesday, June 28, 2006

On and off the needles

Been a bit quiet lately - but there are lots of things on the needles to report

I started the Lady of the Forest Shawl last Wednesday - wanted something easy to knit while attending the Downtown Knit Collective meeting. It starts at the lower back point with very simple shaping (increasing at the edges and decreasing at the centre) - all in garter stitch

The DKC speaker was Kirk Dunn who is knitting a series of stained glass windows and he brought the 1st one to show us. WOW !!! Take Kaffe Fasset and add in an incredibly ambitious knitter with a fabulous idea and what do you get - an amazing representation of religious symbols with some history thrown in for good luck. The "window" is 5 ft wide and 9 feet tall and I wish I had some phtos of it - I tried googling to find something but alas - nothing out there - yet.

Imagine - the hours and hours of knitting to make something of this size. Is it heaven? or is it hell?

Any way - back to the Lady - she is done - I finished it on Tuesday and just have to block it - it seems small in its unblocked state so I believe I will be stretching it out a lot to make it the size I want (and the relative size of the picture - generous and nice and long!) .

Mine is knit in Moss Silk Stream and it took 1 whole and about 1/3rd of the 2nd skein

I like it!

Also (still) on the needles:

The neverending Super 10 Paprika Vine Lace top (almost done - about half way through the armhole (4th time lucky - after frogging and re-frogging)

Mitred square top with a v-neck in Hand Maiden Rumple in the most glorious colours of rust and taupe and a hint of blue

I am alternating the colours and the blue comes from the skeins on the bottom - they look rather more silvery here but it is a silvery sky blue that really makes the rest of the colours sing.

The bottom is slightly flared and the mitred squares run horizontally - and the drape of this fine silk boucle is fabulous - not usually my type of yarn but the colours are prefect for a pair of pants I just bought.

And last but not least a pair of socks in a new hand dyed yarn that I am sampling - simple faux cable in greens with a hint of blue. Stay tuned on that one - I like the yarn and I think I will be getting some in for the Fall.

Happy knitting everyone - a happy Canada Day and 4th of July to all in Canada and the USA


At 7:18 p.m., Blogger Deb said...

Would "the Lady" work out of Fleece Artist Ottawa?

At 9:55 a.m., Blogger Robyn - Red Bird Knits said...

Yes, I think so - the best way to see if you like the resulting fabric is to do a wee swatch. It will likely be a little denser in Ottawa

At 12:47 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Kaffe Fasset and this guy sounds great too! If you do find some pictures please let us know on your site!

At 12:48 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I was "anonymous" from above, but didn't mean to be!


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