Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Mystery Stole - just me and 6,000 other knitters

The numbers are staggering - more than 6,000 participating in the Mystery Stole - closed now, thankfully as I receive many digests per day of postings from the group.

I was busy working on my July sock design so couldn't really get started until today although I did cast on for it on the weekend but ripped as it wasn't looking very neat.

My plan - use Filatura di Crosa Centolavaggi which is a very fine superwash merino that I get my supplier to bring in for me (the one I talked about in my last post). Colour is charcoal grey. The designer suggested black grey or cream.

I got about 15 rows into it this evening on my 2nd attempt and was having trouble seeing the K2togs and SSKs so I decided to scrap it again and use some of the Filatura di Crosa Baby Kid Extra I picked up at aforementioned supplier today (got a guy to scale a ladder and open boxes for me) in a rich purpley mauve.

I know not exactly black or grey but the colour was singing to me - so on I cast.

I finished the first chart and realized I was doing it in garter stitch instead of stocking stitch - I actually like it just fine so I will continue. Done up to row 58.

Very pretty - will post when I get my scanner (that's my %$%^&*&^%$#@@@@@@ scanner that is not cooperating today) working again.

You may have noticed that more shopping therapy happened today - had to pick up some Jitterbug for a customer so took advantage - mustn't waste gas and come back with an empty trunk after all. Filatura di Crosa Baby Kid Extra in 5 colours, some more Kureyon (new Fall 07 colours) for eBay (search by user name musthaveyarn) and some more of the Regia Canadian Colors that I used in my Bird Foot sock -the real stuff not a substitute this time.

I see a Lizard Ridge in my future too (perhaps in Silk Garden since it is a little lighter in weight). The cats will love it! And so will I.

Must knit!


At 12:52 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember when Lizard Ridge came out. I was a wee bit surprised by how many people were willing to spend so much money on a throw. We must have sold enough Kureyon of at least a dozen of them. It is really beautiful, I wish people would bring them into the store for show and tell once they're done.

At 2:43 p.m., Blogger Robyn - Red Bird Knits said...

Sounds like a good challenge! A new meme perhaps - "Show your Lizard Ridges"

At 11:51 a.m., Blogger Janis said...

Any chance of offering some more of the Canadian Color sock yarns on your site? I've been wanting to get my hands on a few colors and they seem hard to find.

At 12:08 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Janis, I have a couple of the Candian Colors - 4728 and 4729. Email me at yarns(at)redbirdknits(dot)come if there is a specific one you are after and I can check with my supplier. Robyn


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